
Things That Make Me Happy Right Now…

The sun is coming up as I am writing this, which is not normal hours for me but the last few days I have been sleeping so sound it’s been making me rise earlier. I am watching the sun peak through the trees in my front yard and turn the horizon that certain color that can only mean fall is near.

Over the last 3 months of this amazing summer I took a time-out from technology to stick my feet in the ground and think about what really makes me happy. Here is what I found; being on the beach listening to my kids laugh does, listening to my body makes me happy, and so does being connected to the people I love. Living in the moment instead of worrying about what needs to be done tomorrow, is delightful. This very moment is too precious to not give my undivided attention to.

When you take a break from something, you gain perspective and although what I learned isn’t ground breaking, I found that doing what makes you truly shine is always the best choice. Making the most of every minute is actually as rewarding as everyone says it is. So I am going to keep practicing being present, but don’t worry I will pop in every once and a while to see what you all are up to 😉

See what I am loving right now-as always just click on the big image to shop or the smaller images below!

I also have been working on my book (read more about my portfolio here)! As always I would love to hear what is making you happy…comment below or join me on Instagram.

