New Year New Post: January 2017

Happy New Year! 2016 was a year of amazing adventures, new friends, business triumphs, and growth but, like all good things, there were some tough counterparts as well. I have been looking forward to a fresh start this year in 2017.

I have also been thinking a ton about the future of this blog. Back 6 years ago when I started, I was blogging to exercise my writing muscle while being a mom of one. Over time we added two little girls to our family and my writing aspirations have grown as well. After a lot of thinking I have decided to try to blog here on the first week of every month (i.e. February 6th, March 6th, April 3rd, and etc.) I am going to do more lengthy posts about things I love and have discovered over the few weeks in between. I hope you like this new format but as always, your feedback is much appreciated over the next few months.

With all of this I have thought a lot about how much I want to share of my family online. My priorities have shifted and for now, I am going to hold back from showing all of their faces in posts and on social media. It’s just something I feel in my gut at the moment.

Please make sure you stay up to date with my newsletter by subscribing at the bottom of any posts and at the bottom of the home page. You can also follow my professional work over here and on Instagram. Let’s keep in touch during my “off†weeks blogging and I hope you enjoy my favorite things for January, below. *as always simply click on the image to shop the item.

