Am I the only one excited for the major snow storm we are about to get?! Sitting by the fire while it storms outside is one of my favorite things to do in the winter. Add a good book and a cup of coffee and I am one happy girl. This weekend we are laying low. What are you up to? Come over to Instagram and say hi! In the meantime, check out these links from around the web.

  1. Gorgeous ocean inspired wall paper. Perfect for the nursery I am working on.
  2. I must have this cozy sweater and these for the cold New England days ahead.
  3. Be a French girl, or just look like one…
  4. Five tips to help yucky, dry, winter skin.
  5. Apricot, walnut, upside down cake…sign me up!
  6. How to make your side hustle your full-time hustle.
  7. Practical tips on how to find and nail down your dream apartment.
  8. Stop comparing yourself to others ASAP!
  9. I have mentioned this before, but this sweet family needs help. It’s worth reading their story here.
  10. The five ways I de-stress my life in 2016.
