My sweet little Wesleigh is two today, and I can’t believe another year has gone by with this little girl in our lives. She is the sweetest thing I have ever met, since the day she was born. Yes, she has an occasional toddler melt down, but for the most part she is mild mannered and easy going.

Before she was born I was terrified to have a girl. I thought I was meant to have all boys! Thinking about teenage girls can really send you into a tizzy, but while they are young, at least for this girl, they are as sweet as can be. I couldn’t be happier to be her mama.

We are all over the moon to celebrate another year, more adventures and tons of laughter with you my love, Happy Birthday Wesleigh Gray!

Photo by Lisa Elizabeth Images. Wesleigh is wearing her “moon dress” by Tuk Tuk Anouk and Mini Moccs.
