Since becoming a mother, being able to work from home has been a dream for me. It’s not without its battles, in fact letting go of achieving the perfect balance has been a relief for me. In the early years, I wasn’t great at the juggle, and never felt like I could accomplish anything. However  in the last two years, I have learned a thing or two about how to better time manage while working for myself.

I started freelance writing right out of college. It went from being a hobby, to a side hustle, and now to something that brings me joy and a little money that I feel pretty great about. More recently I have been writing as a way to stay creative while being a mom. It’s something that I do more for me than anything else, and so I had to come up with some new rules to stay focused at home…

How to Successfully Work From Home

1. Dress the Part: Get out of those Pj’s and into anything but. Truth: I don’t always have time to hit the showers every day, but I do get dressed. Even if I change back into yoga pants by the time I head out to the pick up line, I get dressed while I am working. Studies show that you are much more focused and productive but also I feel like my best self and more professional when I dress the part.

2. Have a Designated Work Space: A few years ago we took an unused space in our house and converted it to my home office. There is no need to start construction to have your own work space, just set up shop where you can keep all your work supplies, and keep it consistent. All you need is a small desk and a few outlets for a computer and lamp.

3. Set Clear Work/Life Boundaries: Be clear on the times you are working and the time reserved for family interactions. Don’t work on the fly while hustling kids and cooking dinner, you won’t be on your “A” game. I work while the kids sleep, period. While they are awake I am away from my computer. On occasion I will work on the weekends but I schedule it in advance so that my husband can spend some time with the kids.

4. Have a Schedule: Occasionally I work in the mornings before everyone gets up, however, nap time is my designated “work/me time”. This schedule allows me to work without interruptions and then I know if I need to schedule extra time. I can work at night when the kids go to bed if I absolutely need to, but that time is really reserved for relaxing and connecting with family or friends.

5. Keep Distractions Out: If you need to turn your phone to silent in order to stay focused, please do it! Social media apps, and text messages are the going to be the distractions that will keep you from getting your work done in your designated time frame. I keep my phone on silent and turn off all social notifications. I can work them back on when I finish, but while I work I can’t look at my phone.

I hope these help you! Do you have any tips on working from home? Head over to Instagram and share, I would love to hear them!

Other Resources: Design Sponge Biz LadiesCareer Profiles on the EverygirlWork from Home SuccessTips from the Career Girl, and How to Focus When Working from Home.

Photo’s by Brookelyn Photography
